Assietta Ridge Route (Sestriere - Susa)
Colle delle Finestre 2176m
Basset Bourget Cotte Plane Genevris Blegier Lauson C Assietta == Finestre page 2
     photos thanks to: Marcel Gutschner     
Colle delle Finestre is the seventh and last pass on the Assietta ridge route. It is somewhat apart and different from the other colle: it is a bit far off from the neighbour colle (dell’Assietta), it is mostly tarmac and the route is seen more a crossing from Chisone to Susa valley.

Colle delle Finestre has two tarmac access roads from the Chisone valley, the western route absorbs the Assietta gravel road at around 1850 m.a.s.l.

With thanks to Marcel Gutschner for all photos and text on this and related pages.
Click here to join Marcel's account of this route from the start.